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  • [Download] Thomas Brush - Full Time Game Dev For Free

Thomas Brush Full Time Game Dev Download For Free

One my biggest struggles growing up was feeling like I wasn’t very smart. I’ve always been a clumsy, awkward dude that struggles to grasp concepts quickly. I do, however, have a strange confidence in myself. I believe deep down that anyone has potential to become a game developer. It’s possible to make a living from indie games!

I started creating my first commercial release in school, and continued its development while working a desk job I hated. I finished that game being completely self-taught. It was called Pinstripe, and since launching, the rest is history. I’ve consistently earned six-figures in revenue for half a decade. My games Pinstripe & Neversong have launched on pretty much every single platform, all while I’ve grown a large following of over 215,000 subscribers, teaching game development on YouTube. I even made a game for the world’s biggest YouTuber in just 14 days.

From Kickstarter to working with publishers, and everything in between, I’ve done it all. I know you can do it too, and I’m going to show you the short-cuts to success so you don’t have to wander around aimlessly for a decade like I did! Let’s do this!

Full Time Game Dev will take you from knowing nothing about game development to making money from your indie game on the Steam store. We’ll study branding, marketing, publishers, Kickstarter, C# coding, Unity development, PR, launching on Steam, and everything in between! After 10 years of making indie games (and also making a ton of mistakes), I’m thrilled to teach you what I’ve learned!



GDRIVE LINK Thanks to @perlde

Rar Password: XDJ

One more link - https://hacksnation.com/d/7251/83

    Juanchimdp There is nothing to fix because the link is live. Use another browser or load the link in an incognito mode.

    How strange, I tried in incognito mode and it works, thanks and sorry

    • XDJ likes this.
    XDJ changed the title to [Download] Thomas Brush - Full Time Game Dev For Free .
    5 days later

    Can you please update the missing parts from these folders? At least on Google Drive add the “important” and “very important” files.
    Thank you very much!

    From the folder named [Introduction]:
    - missing => (txt. or docx. ?) [Discord Access + Goodies!] ===> OPTIONAL. NOT IMPORANT TO ADD.
    - missing => (txt. or docx. ?) [Get 50% Off My Brand New 2D Art Mastery Course] ===> OPTIONAL. NOT IMPORANT TO ADD.
    - missing => (txt. or docx. or link ?) [Get 60% Any Of My Programs By Reffering A Friend] ===> OPTIONAL. NOT IMPORANT TO ADD.

    From the folder named [Let`s Make a 3D Game]:
    - missing => (txt. or docx. ?) [Assignment: Complete the first page of “Your Game Idea” Workbook] =>>> IMPORTANT TO ADD!
    - missing => (txt. or docx. ?) [Assignment: Finish the Rest of the Workbook] ===> IMPORTANT TO ADD!
    - missing => (txt. or docx. ?) [Assignment: Finalize Your Game’s Style/Colors] ===> IMPORTANT TO ADD!
    - missing => (video) [Day 4: Level Design] ===> VERY IMPORTANT TO ADD!
    - missing => (txt. or docx. ?) [Get 50% Off Game Dev Unlocked!] ===> OPTIONAL. NOT IMPORTANT TO ADD.

      Brapper I will upload the missing files on the mega file host if I find them. I do not use google drive.

        XDJ I`ve already downloaded the pack, do I need to download it again or you could make a second .rar/link? Hit me up with a reply if you`ve added the files! Thank you very much, man! I appreciate!!!

        • XDJ replied to this.

          Brapper I do not have the missing files. Once I find them I will update the mega link in the above post. I won’t be providing a separate link for the missing files.

          [Assignment: Finalize Your Game’s Style/Colors] and [Day 4: Level Design] are fixed ,
          about the other ones i don’t have them and they are not important

            You 2 are awesome! Much love & respect to both of you!