Download Seth Godin’s Marketing Seminar for Free
The Marketing Seminar
The most successful interactive marketing seminar in the world is back. A chance to make a difference, transform your work and learn to market your ideas with confidence. This 150-day seminar will teach you, inspire you and connect you to peers who will help you bring your work to a larger and more receptive audience. In as little as 20 minutes a day, you can learn to make a bigger impact.
Seminar Curriculum
This is a seminar about modern marketing—how to enroll, engage and transform the people we seek to serve.
It’s built on three precepts: empathy, humility and effectiveness.
With more than 60 videos taught by Seth Godin released over 150 days, you will learn the basic skills for successful modern marketing. Plus bonus lessons in the few weeks after the 150 day mark. But more importantly, the videos are paired with 200+ questions designed to guide you to new insights and strategies for your immediate work—no matter where you are in your career. All questions and answers are shared on the discussion boards—a confidential space to discuss and test out ideas with professional peers around the world, available 24/7.
In addition to weekly Q&A lessons, we tailor the seminar to the interests of current students.
Topics Covered
Identifying the change you aim to make
Reaching the people you seek to change
Clarifying the promise you are willing to make
Developing an empathic posture
Positioning yourself
Researching the market effectively
Pricing your service
Outlining personas
Understanding status roles
Building your brand
Earning permission to market
Telling stories that resonate and spread
Creating your modern marketing plan
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