Dabbathebox Below Is The Link. Cheers !

- 6 Feb
- Joined Feb 18, 2023
- 0 best answers
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Request any game you want and download it for free without any torrent!
Be free to ask, you will get the download link without torrent.
Do not request NSFW games.
Do not ask multiple games at the same time.
When you request a game, please mention me or there's chances I don't see your request.
Do not request free games. I will not provides for free games that are already free.
Do not spam/beg for a game.
Do not ask unknown/unpopular games.
Do not ask games that doesn't exists.
More rules can be added. If you have any problems check my Linktree on my HacksNation profile and contact me.
new course available here :
- Edited
as Ginbro mentioned posting your work could help a lot immensely ether it’s on twitter(real-life ex is Animators post their work there and some anime companies in japan hire them to work)/youtube/instagram/github or any other. Just post there, people will sometimes mock you for what are you doing and some may help you.
If you are not able to learn from a specific course(for ex: the teacher teaches too fast or skips over some major topics) then you could check this out: https://roadmap.sh/ it helps immensely even with the ongoing courses too.
If you are low on time I would really recommend using a second brain(Notion/Obsidian don’t worry it will take less than 30-40 mins to learn but shit this will make your life much much easier) or making a notes copy that would help you memorize and revise the notes you make any time.
If I said something wrong please feel free to shout at me and correct me and please keep this thread going thanks.
Logiic Q1: Some sort of EComm site is one good for your portfolio on the Web Dev side. Q2: Yes start building genuine and valuable relationships now while you learn so that when the “ask” comes it feel natural. There are some free communities you can join like 100Devs. Also post what you are learning that also gets attention and you never know who is following your progress. Good luck.