• Request
  • Mega to Google shared drive - Updated Methods

It sounds like maybe you did not setup rclone right. The first thing you must do is this:

Make sure you have setup both Gdrive and Mega as remotes, edit your rclone.conf file and insert this last line of each remote

server_side_across_configs = true

Then you run this command:

rclone copy –drive-server-side-across-configs Gdrive:/Folder Mega:/Folder

Obviously changing Gdrive:/Folder Mega:/Folder to your info

You can see my server side copy stats and rates below.

The images below show you speeds I got without using local network.

I was able to transfer 50TB very quickly doing this.

Keep in mind if you are trying to do more than 750GB you must use service accounts.

In the picture below you see “fatal error” that is because I tell each transfer to stop at 740GB, that way it auto closes the connection and moves on to the next command to keep copying.

    InfoR3aper can you please tell how to add service accounts also how to add the file in rclone?

    • xa- replied to this.
      2 months later

      elliot Please do not request anything here. Scribd bins are posted in the bins thread. There have been no public chegg bins.

      xa- Can rc clone transfer basic mega account to google drive, unlimited?

      @XDJ Can you share a tutorial on how one can transfer bigger files from one cloud to Another using RDP like we do in Google Collab.

      • XDJ replied to this.

        XDJ is rc clone safe?
        virustotal showing it is malicious.

        • XDJ replied to this.

          XDJ okay, is there any alternative efficient way to transfer from mega to gdrive?

          • XDJ replied to this.

            crack I only know the ones that are already posted here on this forum.

              XDJ Pls send here the link if possible, Thanks

              This happened to me 4-5 months ago and to solve this,

              1. I first created a fake mega account then using script imported all files (around 2-3 tb)
              2. Then created my own telegram bot ( 2 bots ) linked to my shared drive.
              3. since, i don’t had mega premium, i searched for telegram mirror groups having mega support ( found many )
              4. now on my mega account i created folders and named them 1,2,3, . . . and put my files in them such that each folder size is not more than 120 gb.
              5. now simply get link of each folder and mirror them using telegram mirror groups.
              6. After getting mirrored, just copy that gdrive link and clone it using your tg bot