@gra33h0pper how can i transfer more than 5gb from Mega to onedrive using rclone .
Mega to Google shared drive - Updated Methods
AnkitKashyap you cannot unless you have a mega business account.
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gra33h0pper So if i buy it for one month how much data can i transfer? And the Pro lite account can work or not??
AnkitKashyap depending on mega storage and ur internet speed. I transferred 7tb in 4days
elliot Requesting bins is not allowed anywhere. Check the below thread and search for the bins.
@XDJ Can you share a tutorial on how one can transfer bigger files from one cloud to Another using RDP like we do in Google Collab.
AnkitKashyap Sorry bro i cannot.
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- Best Answerset by XDJ
This happened to me 4-5 months ago and to solve this,
- I first created a fake mega account then using script imported all files (around 2-3 tb)
- Then created my own telegram bot ( 2 bots ) linked to my shared drive.
- since, i don’t had mega premium, i searched for telegram mirror groups having mega support ( found many )
- now on my mega account i created folders and named them 1,2,3, . . . and put my files in them such that each folder size is not more than 120 gb.
- now simply get link of each folder and mirror them using telegram mirror groups.
- After getting mirrored, just copy that gdrive link and clone it using your tg bot
Mr_Edw4rd bro can you please share any video for this method
gra33h0pper bro there is an option in multcloud for the shared drive
Harshil5_089 there is a section called the business cloud and then click on personal drive and then you are linked to your shared drive
I was trying to transfer from a 14 tb mega drive but it fails in between
I have multicloud unlimited then too error
Denizert bro do it small times
do not do 14tb all at once