To get dropbox space for free first of all connect vpn to Italy. Use strong vpn like vypr or proton vpn or express vpn. Use browser Brave or Firefox. This step is compulsory.

We need to signup at dropbox for free at first. Follow this link to signup. Enter your first and last name. Enter your email and choose password then signup.

Now close that previous tab and open new tab. click here

Now click on your profile which is at right corner. You will see upgrade option. Click on that upgrade option to get dropbox space for free.

Now under for individuals option you will see plus option. Click on buy now.

Then select plus option.

Now select “Direct debit” as payment option.

If you are from Italy then enter your IBAN otherwise go to this website and click on italy flag. You will see personal information of Italy resident which aren’t of real person actually.

Just copy the person name, Iban number and postcode.

Paste the details in corresponding fields in the payment field.

Now check the I agree option and hit buy now.

Boom! You got 2000 GB cloud storage of dropbox space for free. This is cloud backup for 1year.

You can now download app of dropbox on your pc or mobile phone and start keeping backup.

Tips : Your subscription will be finished after 1 year. Make another Dropbox account and migrate the files to keep it safe.

Do you want me to post more such tutorials/methods???


    This method worked for 7 days only. I have tried before.

    I don’t know why, after 7 days they will downgrade to 2GB. 🤣🤣 since then, never used this method again. I prefer to use another drive. Such a Google Drive unlimited, Terabox, Pcloud, and Onedrive.

    But thanks for sharing buddy. 😎🍺🍺

      5 months later
      7 months later

      XDJ Hi XDJ, it’s till working> I just did it using this method:

      1. I used F-Secure FREEDOME VPN and follow everything until entering IBAN number
      2. I used this site to get my IBAN number because your suggestion is not working.
      3. I used my name on email and I used postal code: 31020

      That’s all 😊👍

        OmkarNarkar until then i will fill it up and also remember they don’t delete your data i’ve been using one such account from last 1 year . Definitely you can’t upload anything after getting converted to basic plan .

        3 months later

        Alvindo pls how to get google drive unlimited and pcloud ?

        XDJ hey even i created video tutorial for that 2 months ago, dats really helpful.

        it would be great if we able to use dropbox just like Onedrive-vercel-index or Godrive index